New world record for 5 man team


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
From the PBA forums

Via facebook, some of the Lindenwood University Collegiate Bowlers and their teammates smashed a 1434 record setting team game in League tonight.

a photo of the scores, I believe the bowlers were

Brad Miller
Edward Cetwinski
Connor Druhm
Ryan Council
EJ Parks

Matt (the former chink of collegebowling)
and fixed...

Well no matter what they throw at it these days - no team will compare to the 1958 Budweiser Team - Carter, Bluth, Hennessey, Patterson and Weber - 3858. Just remember what they were using, what they were bowling on and what the condition was. This team was simply raw talent nothing else but that.

..and George your point about the handicap is well made - and if that on it's own doesn't underscore the real problem this sport faces - then I don't know what does.
For people that want to see history...

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