
Ed Fleming Lanes are looking for a couple of bowlers for their NEW SINGLES league to commence on Monday nIght at 6.30pm on 24th July.
Basically the League will be set up in 3 divisions with the highest averages in first div. and next lot of averages in second div and the remaining averages in third div. At present we have a possible 20 bowlers and are looking for another 10 to make an even 10 bowlers per div.Our ultimate aim is to have 14 bowlers per each division. Cost will be $25.00 per bowler per week. All bowlers will bowl against each other a weekly lane draw and points won will be allocated to your division only. Each div will have their own prize fund.there will be 3 rounds in each season with prize money payed out after each round and at the completion of the season. That makes it 4 pays.
For those that worry about not getting a good start, the benefit of this league will be after round 1 all points are dropped and everyone starts off fresh for round 2. this will allow for all bowlers to try and improve on round 1 placings and prize money payouts. Obviously round 3 will be the same situation again. On top of this points will be allocated for the over all positions and prize money paid in each division. Therfore each division will have 4 chances in one season of collecting the Top prizes.

Anyone interested can contact us on 97260333 or reply thru this post. We look forward to seeing some new and old faces back at Ed Fleming Lanes.
Can some one tell me where these lanes are?

Heard of them, just dont know where they are located...
thanks Chaz
Just to let all those bowlers who are interested the League will kick off next Monday night at 6.30pm at this stage we have 22 bowlers interested and we are looking for another 6 bowlers. If you are interested please give Karl or Joe a ring on 03-97260333. Oh by the way nearly forgot, for those who have small kiddies to look after, our creche will be open from 6.15pm till 8.30pm.
Field includes several top scratch bowlers as well as some female bowlers.:cool:
Well,finally our nwe league got off to a start last night with 16 bowlers turning out. Some good scores were bowled and I can see some new records being broken in the next few months.Our youngest bowler Ben Tait(Junior Vic Master winner on the weekend) started with 213 game, another Junior and State Rep John Allen shot 200 & 223,Brenton Bull scored 212 & 226, Gary (the Man) Zanoni shot 223 to continue his recent good form,Rod Stewart just back from running 2nd in the Pepsi Classic in SA bowled 209 & 211 and my nephew Craig Tomasinski bowled a 232, one of our local bowlers and coach Ross Pigdon manged to scare a few people wiyth his 236 and my daughter Briana Tomasinski managed to bowl her best game ever with a 176 game.However the night belonged to Paul Reus who put together games of 201 & 211 & 258 for a 670 series to throw out the challenge to the rest of the field.Several bowlers bowled some good games considering their entering averages with Sally Stewart shooting a 188 which nearly beat the Rod.Doug Bosman had a 192 and Tina Sgroi bowled 180 to beat her husband Maurice by 4 pins.
Anyone interested in joining these 16 bowlers just let us know as the prize money will be very good for the season.
2nd week and our numbers have gone up to 18 bowlers with some great scores shot last night.Brenton Bull managed a 209 and I guess he was still suffering from celebrating his Birthday over the weekend.(Happy Birthday Brenton)John Allen one of our juniors also got up with a 211 with Ross Pigdon bowling 193, 201 & 211 for a 605 series.Ross is getting himself ready for the Emerson Shield Zone roll off at Sale in a couple of weeks.(keep shooting those 200's Ross) Paul Reus started off slow but finished with a flurry shooting 248 and 217 for a 625 series.Gary Zanoni, ever since winning the Sth Pacific spot at Frankston seems to have gone up another notch and is throwing out the challenge in the league with 201, 237 & 204 giving him a 642 series,(Gary even manages to enjoy his bowling these days) however 2006 Victorian Junior Master winner Ben Tait carried on with his good form shooting a 647 series with 188, 222 & 237,Ben looks set to have a great future and can only get better with age and experience. But wait we are not finished yet because waiting in the wings was Rocket Rod who came out with a 242 followed with 218 and 214 to shoot the high series for the night 674 Series. We always talk about the young guns and how good they will be, yet here we have Rod Stewart making it harder to beat him every week and giving his younger rivals a real lesson in how to be successful and still enjoy the game at his age. Just like John Sullivan at Forest Hills it is a real pleasure to watch these older bowlers perform.
We still have room for several more bowlers to join this league and the season will finish in November for those interested.Total prize money will be around $3500.00 and Cadbury Schweppes are also proving shirts for all the bowlers.Ring 97260333 if you are interested in joining.:cool:
Week 3 & lots of great scores shot on the night.Brenton Bull pulled out a 612 series against Rod Stewart who accepted the challenge and threw a 678 with 205, 235 & 238. Next door Gary Zanoni did not give new bowler Ben McCormack any chance by shooting 226,208 & [/B]235 for a 669 series and not to be out done by the elders of the League youngster Ben Tait threw 214, 240 and 197 for a 651 series. Doug Bosman sitting on a 165 ave threw 188, 165 & 253 for a 606 series. Craig Tomasinski threw a 202 and the match of the night Partners Tina and Maurice Sgroi bowled against each other with Tina drawing first bloood shooting a 208 to 168, this must have stirred Maurice who came back with a 188 & 224 leaving Tina bewildered but determined to reverse the result next time they meet.Would have been worthwhile sitting in on their conversation driving home that night.:rolleyes:

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