Kingaroys magnificant 7


Morty, congratulations to you and the Mob from Kingaroy on having all 7 participants make their respected QLD State teams. They represented your association with skill and sportsmanship of the highest level. They are a credit to both yourself and the Kingaroy Association.

I am sure your magnificent 7 would agree they would not have achieved this fantastic result without your invaluable guidance and motivation. Even going as far as taking your team to a “Special Entertainment” bar (wink, wink).

Morty, you are a credit to bowling and without the efforts of Andrew, Broni and yourself QLD bowling would be in a sorry state.
Settle down wee Jimmy, you'll have Morty thinking that Kingaroy will win Association Challenge next ;)

Seriously, it was a great effort by the bowlers from Kingaroy, and they should be pretty pleased with themselves!

Unfortunately, I can't see a repeat of last weekends fantastic result from Kingaroy's "Magnificant 7".

Mackay's "nightlife" presented Morty with a unique motivational program the best of my knowledge there are no "Special Entertaiment Bars" in Kingaroy. Well except for the one that offers a unique opportunity to see "NATIVE" wildlife outside their normal habitat.

I have been reliably informed that Morty has canvased the local council to ensure that this local Hot Spot "Barrrrr bars" will be shut for the weekend, as he determined not present the coaches from Rockhampton and the Sunshine Coast teams with an opportunity to motivate their teams.


Gold Coast Rulz..........
Hey Broni,

What makes you think thats not my goal... Have not seen to many players bowl 12 feet or oil real well... Expect maybe those buggars from Rocky as they get to Bowl on 8 feet most of the time.... :)
geez ....why such a long pattern Morty ;). might have to invest in 180 grit ;)

With the synthetics now in Rocky we're just not sure which 8 feet are oiled :surrender:
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