Jim Iacono 299


King of Nerds
Congrats, and I suppose you could also say regrets, to Jim Iacono who bowled a nice 299 in the Early Birds league on Friday night at Keon Park Bowl. I do not know if this is Jims highest game or not, but a commendable effort all the same.

Better luck next time, Jimmy :)

- Simon Jackson
Congratulations Jimbo on the 299. It was great to watch, and we were all willing that pin to go down. Hope you get it next time. (and hopefully it's not against us again lol)
congratulations Jim on the 299... so close hopefully you'll get a 300 soon...
What pin was left standing?
If i remeber correctly it was a 6 pin...
Congrats once again....
Jimbo you are a champion mate i know the 300 is around the corner i hope this friday when i can watch you.

Your bowling well mate keep up the good work.

Alan & Jenny
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