Jealous Bowler's


Active Member
Have lifted it it from ( not sure were it came from orginally ) Have you been guilty of this in private to your self or in a more public way?
My thought of the day.......jealous bowlers - 06-08-2006, 05:10 AM
Why are bowlers a bunch of jealous crybabies? I play a little golf with friends from time to time and even though I really don’t like to play for much money, I don’t see as many golfers bitching and crying about someone else’s game. When a guy hits a good shot, everyone will tell him so. I guy makes a long put and everyone give him props and says things like “great read”. Yet, when I see bowlers, I hear all kind of bitching and complaining about how the “lefties had the nuts”, “he only scored because he’s a fluffer”. “if you can’t play 5th arrow, you didn’t have a chance”. #### like that is just sour grapes and bad sportsmanship.
I really respect the bowlers that knows that it will all equal out and even though the lefties might have it easy one day, they might not have #### the next.
You will be remembered for your character long after you’ve thrown you last Thunderstrike. Just keep your mouth shut and worry about yourself and your shot, you can’t control what others are doing. Be a man and be the first to shake someone’s hand after they’ve shot a good game or set. Everyone likes props so make sure you give them out so those same guys will give you props when you’re the one in the winners circle.
I don’t bowl anymore and I’m not sure why. I just don’t have the love for to where I WANT to be at the bowl or to throw a ball. Some of it has to do with always getting beat down for being a lefty. If I bowled bad, it was because I sucked. When a did bowl good, it was always because I had the nuts and the leftside was wide open. Funny how most of the time when I had good sets or games that I always had another lefty on my pair that didn’t hit it. If it was so walled up, shouldn’t anyone be able to score, after all, I suck, right?
Think about that the next time you go bowl a sweeper, tournament, or even league. Be a good sport and enjoy the fact that you are able to get out and compete. Think about those people that would give anything to have that freedom to go out and bowl if they wanted to. Think about how much of an ass that you look like the next time you bitch about what someone else is doing and the shot they have.
There was a guy from my hometown that was the best around but he was such an ass that nobody liked him or wanted to see him do well. He bitched every time he didn’t win and always blamed someone for his shortcomings. Everyone hated to be around him because of his attitude but because he could bowl, some people would put up with it for a little while before the realized that it didn’t matter if he bowled good, he was an ass and brought everyone down.
Enjoy the game and act like a man. We need more character on the lanes.
Ps: I heard some talk at the Melbourne Cup just the other week interesting................
Interesting comment, but I am afraid true most of the time. You hear some players complaining about the lanes, how lucky some one is and damn lefties (I'm a lefty but I am also a human being... :( ).

Just once I want to hear someone say that it was their fault they did not do well, because they failed to adjust to the lane condition. The thing is most of the times these guys are right in complaining, some conditions do favour other bowlers left or right. I believe the only way to stop this, is to standardise conditions specially in tournaments.

I guess this is what George F. is trying to say all along... if there is a standard condition then you rely more on your skills to win than the lane condition. It will be easier to compliment other bowlers because you are convinced that they made a good shot and not because it is lane induced.

Just a thought... :)
I gotta admit that I can get like that. When I leave pocket strikes that leave me with nothing and others hit the head pin straight on and get strikes, I feel hard done by. You said that all things even out, it isnt always the case. A 3 game series can involve you getting bad breaks and your opponent getting all the breaks. It is only a 3 game series so there is no time for it to balance out. Maybe it reverses the next time around but there are occasions where it just continues to go wrong for you and right for your opponent. Then again you might be the opponent in question.
I reckon some people just don't get it... the more negative they think when they're bowling, the less they'll be able to concentrate on their shot when it counts most, and eventually it'll feel like ur opponents getting all the lucky breaks everytime they leave a 9 when it could've been a split. They get all worked up about it and miss a single pin, later on in the game they find a few strikes or their opponent opens a frame but they still lose by a few pins when that one simple spare they missed early on coz they were busy whinging and moaning would've gotten them a win!
So more positive thoughts bowlers :D smile at the pins!
jhk67 said:
I gotta admit that I can get like that. When I leave pocket strikes that leave me with nothing and others hit the head pin straight on and get strikes, I feel hard done by. You said that all things even out, it isnt always the case. A 3 game series can involve you getting bad breaks and your opponent getting all the breaks. It is only a 3 game series so there is no time for it to balance out. Maybe it reverses the next time around but there are occasions where it just continues to go wrong for you and right for your opponent. Then again you might be the opponent in question.

Yeah, same. The worst for me is a 'straight bowler' that constantly hits on the nose AND STILL STRIKES!! I've cleaned up my act to what I used to be, but there's still those moments I think "why can't I get it if he/she can?"
To add to topic i also have had help in Leauge and comp's for shot's and ball selection so we all not that bad as we do love our sport.............;)
Just ask person in piture..........................
myself been a lefty as many who know me would know regularly deal with people saying that lefties have a major advantage over others. if you think lefties win more than you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND PROVE TO US THAT YOU CAN WIN.... only if this is your opinion

lefties still have it as hard, we still have to find our line, make sure we get those spares and deal with thos ever annoying splits!
weggy said:
Yeah, same. The worst for me is a 'straight bowler' that constantly hits on the nose AND STILL STRIKES!! I've cleaned up my act to what I used to be, but there's still those moments I think "why can't I get it if he/she can?"

I'm a straight bowler with a high 160/low 170 average and no intention of changing my style of bowling. I admit that I do hit on the nose and get strikes (and laugh these off with others at how lucky I was), but I get my fair share of splits too!

A positive attitude is definitely the way to go, and congratulate other bowler's great games! I'm a great believer in what goes around, comes around. Congratulate others, and your turn will come; maybe not always straight away, but it will happen! :)
JoJo said:
(and laugh these off with others at how lucky I was)

Some of us do :crazyeye:

Nah just take the good with the bad. We all get lucky at times. I get frustrated if I continually hit the pocket and dont get rewarded when others do...but its not worth wrist slashing =;
I get frustrated if I continually hit the pocket and dont get rewarded when others do.

Lol i hit the pocket tonight left 5-7-10 love our game................:mad:

The other week I hit some sweet shots that left some lovely splits and singles pins and shot 170 (yes i missed 2 10 pins) but on the pair beside me i saw a bloke throw 230 with 6 through the snout, 3 blooklyn and 2 conventional pockets. Bowling is alot like cards its the luck of the fall. I have seen people get strike from taking out the 6,9,10 yet i have thrown 3 7-10 splits in a row from the flushest of pocket so go figure. Bowling is a game of luck with a little bit of skill thrown in for good measure but we all should take it as it comes coz as they say luck always evens itself out even through i m still 75-25 on the bad side.

Matthew Lambrick
It's luck more so these days because of the revolutionary technology in balls. It's ridiculous really, if you ask me, the area some people can hit to strike is stupid.
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