Jake Otago 265 @ SEQ Shield


Active Member
Jake is steadily increasing his pb's. Today he shot 201,203,213,265 and 199 for his highest game, 4 and 5 game series. 265/882 and 1081 - ave 215.
Jake you do your Mum and Dad very proud. Keep up the great bowling mate.

Sorry folks, meant to add it was all bowled with his Mutant Cell. GO THE GRIP!!!

Mum and Dad
lol that cell is doing you well nice games mate i wish i could have seen you bowl that but keep it up you will get there lol caughting my pb lol.
congratulations jake u were bowling the house down buddy keeep up the good work

Jake finished the weekend with an average of 188 for 16 games. Great work mate.

Mum & Dad
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