Is this a good way to clean your ball?

Well it seems there's numerous ways to clean a bowling ball...

A quick question related... How often should you clean your bowling balls? 70 games? 100 games? ...

I also agree that soaking a ball is not the best way to do it. not only do most coverstocks absorb water when submerged but if it is hot water it will melt the glue in the finger lifters. Has anyone heard much about the oven method? if you turn the oven on to normal function and turn the temp up til just when the little temp light comes on and then bung ya ball in there for 8-10min, pull it out and wipe it down.... ive tried it a couple of times and it seems to go alright just MAKE SURE the oven isnt too hot... even if your light doesnt come on dont go above 140 degrees. and dont leave it in there too long because if u drain ALL the oil your bound to crack the coverstock... but never use this method for plastics... are there any side effects or is this method not reccomended?
best ball cleaning method i have ever used is simple get a bucket of hot water some lane cleaner (your local bowling center should be able to help with this, maybe for a price) two rugs, your bowling abll (of couse :p) and your bowling towl.
poor the lane cleaner in to the bucket of hot water (you wont need to much)
then use 1 rug to wipe your mixture on to your bowling ball and 1 to wipe off repeat untill bored ( 10-15min) and give a quick buff with your bowling towl.
works grate and wont hurt a fly let alone a bowling ball
I also agree that soaking a ball is not the best way to do it. not only do most coverstocks absorb water when submerged but if it is hot water it will melt the glue in the finger lifters. Has anyone heard much about the oven method? if you turn the oven on to normal function and turn the temp up til just when the little temp light comes on and then bung ya ball in there for 8-10min, pull it out and wipe it down.... ive tried it a couple of times and it seems to go alright just MAKE SURE the oven isnt too hot... even if your light doesnt come on dont go above 140 degrees. and dont leave it in there too long because if u drain ALL the oil your bound to crack the coverstock... but never use this method for plastics... are there any side effects or is this method not reccomended?
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