Great League Teams Of Moonah


New Member
What Great "League" Teams can you remember?
First Cab of the Rank, Sponsors League: B&M Coin Amusements.
Members: Peter Gourlay, Eddie Edwards, Wally Menzies, Hank Jansen, Micheal Cowie. Any others Equal to the Task? 8)
this is just my opinion and tell me if you think i am wrong but i would have to say the current fudge club of centre league is a definate best team ever and past fudge clubs too, i mean this team now consists of ray tilla john phillips andrew phillips and aaron franklin and these guys have battled week in week out to try and win points and have very narrowly just missed out on taking out centre league again, but the evidence is clear this team epitmises team work, they have a team handicap of 29 and can still come out firing all guns to defeat teams that have handicaps of in-excess of 200. and i mean also look at the state records for a four man team?? who holds them?? thats right the fudge club. my hats off to you guys!
just jace said:
i mean also look at the state records for a four man team?? who holds them?? thats right the fudge club. my hats off to you guys!

Hey Jace...
Just wondering how it's known that they do hold the State record because I am pretty sure it's not documented. Not in the record book anyway lol.
For Your Information i believe the team of Paul Lucock, Adam Lucock Vanidol L and Ashley Strahle in both centre league seasons of 2000 would match if not beat the fudge club. in 2000 first season our team, i think called the messengers or something lame like that lol, came within a point of winning the season duee to paul having a 300 game and teams points taken off because of ball legality( which has just been sanctioned by amf because he has recieved the plaque) and winning the league convincingly in the second season shooting which i belive is the record series by a 4 man team (2660 odd) now tell me the score from fudge club that beats it.

so now back to amf sanctioning that 300 which was stripped. does that mean that it should stand as a score? so we should get the points and would have won the season?

oh well..... just my opinion that our score is the record.

bye bye

to jerry299, i aint being modest thats my honest opinion, and to kace and luko well i am pretty sure it is a state record they hold for 4 man team game which was like 987 or something liek that but dont quote me on that maybe some one else can verify that and set the record straight, but wether they hold the record or not you cant take away the awesome ability this team has to function together, when they click boy does this team click, and if one bowls bad the others pick that one person up, they just plainly like many many other team epitmise team work.
Fudge Club

Hi All,
I was rather hesitant as to whether I reply to these posts seeing that I am a member of the Fudge Club as some will see it has being "up ourselves". I apologise to those people. But I must say I do get a real buzz being part of a group of bowlers where someone often is "on song"....then we have had a few special moments when we all seem to fire together, these are moments which are naturally enjoyable at the time and maybe to look back later with fond memories.
I was also surprised to think that someone thought to mention the Fudge Club in such a light.
Anyway, for those few people who are interested to know, the Fudge Club's best scratch one game (4 man) is 987, bowled on 20 Sept 2001. Scores were:-
Andrew Phillips 221
John Phillips 265
Aaron Franklin 243
Ray Tilla 258

Our current season's best scratch series is 2694, but I am not sure if that is our best as I do not have our past seasons records to hand.
So I hope this helps in this amusing little debate.

Also just like to wish all bowlers a very Merry Christmas, a safe holiday period and a Happy and prosperous New Year and great bowling in 2003.
John Phillips
(Capt Fudge)
Hi everyone,

Interesting little debate you guys have going here, all subjective obviously.

As I am not a Moonah bowler and never have been, I really can't give any specifics, but with no disrespect to current bowlers, I can't help but think there would be numerous teams about from around 8-12 years ago that would match and in my opinion beat any teams mentioned here so far. Maybe there scores won't quite match up - but you have to remember that anyone can throw a high game these days - the balls do all the work for you, it wasn't quite so easy back then you actually need to throw a consistent shot just to hit the hole - carry was a different matter all together.

Remembering back in that timeframe we won a Boys Presidents Shield and Mens Rachuig Shield - there was plenty of ability about thats for sure.

Just something for you guys to think about!
In 1995, 1996, 1997 Finished Runner up by ½ a point twice then won Sponsors League 3-consecutive seasons (back in the days when Sponsors was the BIG league) which was - at the time - the first time it had been done in 34 years.
In that team we had Brian Schultz, Lesley Hyland, Trevor Hyland, Ray Tilla, Me :wink: also, Gav Hawkes, Sarah Huxley, Eric Challenor, Kellie Preece.

They were around for ever and won so many Sponsors League titles it wasn't funny.
They had some great players playing for them over the years with the mainstay over the years being John Dobson.
Players such as Geoff Vince, Peter Gardiner, Carol Steele, Tony Bracken, Ted Tylutki, Peter Gourlay etc.
Sadly that team - like most things - doesnt exist anymore, but was a great side for more than 30 years.

The team didnt last all that long - due to old fogey pressures :roll:
Came along in 1996 and had players such as Paul Lucock, Lance Dyer, Garry Fechner, Simon Gourlay, Norm Green, Ellis Harris etc and shot some HUGE scores during thier time and provided most of us - me especially - with some great laughs while they were around.
They didnt win a title - as far as I'm aware - because we won them all, but they were unlucky with having such low handicaps.
Unfortunately, most of the conservative/older bowlers did not take kindly to thier "fun" and they were sadly hounded out of Sponsors League - they were great value though

Being fairly new to Centre League, I'd heard about this side - and it has been a good side too.
Players such as Andrew Phillips, John Phillips, Ray Tilla and Aaron Franklin they have have done very well and shot some big scores over thier time.
Could be a dynasty in the making if it keeps on.

Just on another note too, what about PEACE OFF which had a line-up including DJ, Gav, Adam Carr and lil old me stuck in thier somewhere as well as Androo at one stage too.
I remeber us chucking an absolutely massive game and series one night, maybe Gav or DJ or Androo would remeber the details better than I :)
Matt there is no way my father's name should come up in a post regarding anything great :wink: lol...
Looking at some of those names involved with the X-Files, I am sure you have the story all wrong and they were all extremely well behaved league bowlers.... :shock: hehehe.
Yeah they weren't too bad mate - although Simon Gourlay getting up on stage at the dinner at Laetare Gardens in 1996 and singing "I love the smell of my own crap" in the microphone while half-shot perhaps didn't go down so well with with the oldies - I absolutely pissed myself laughing :D :D :D
That was a legendary night................... :wink: :lol: :lol:

By the way too, hope the old man is well, haven't seen him in the chat for a while so say hi when your chatting to him next :wink:
Sure Matt, I will do that. I think I remember dad telling me stories about that night... sheesh. No wonder I turned out like I did :wink:

By the way guys, none of the achievements by the teams you have mentioned comes close to that of a particular team up here in our Wednesday night league... Bruv's Pro Shop!! :wink:
60 points up on 2nd as of Wednesday just gone, with 5 weeks to go! And that's after the whole team didn't bowl one week because we were at Rachuig :lol:
K-C said:
By the way guys, none of the achievements by the teams you have mentioned comes close to that of a particular team up here in our Wednesday night league... Bruv's Pro Shop!! :wink:
60 points up on 2nd as of Wednesday just gone, with 5 weeks to go! And that's after the whole team didn't bowl one week because we were at Rachuig :lol:
Geeeeeezuz :shock:
By the sounds of it Bruv's Pro Shop could have gone on holiday at the midway point of the season and saved some serious bucks :D
Anyway guys I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - I expect to hear the "Oh but I was pissed" stories when I return to bowling sometime next year. :wink:
All the best and thanks for a great year 8)
Firstly....a belated Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all of you guys back home :lol: :lol:
I've been off-line fow awhile but am back....bigger and better!!! 8)
I'm humbled to be listed in one of these teams and as you said Tiger.....we had some great least I think we did (in between the beers)
Oh...Kassey dear....I keep telling you that you have some big shoes to keep on drinkin! :wink: I can't believe I'm encouraging you!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway guys...I'll keep posted and talk to you soon...
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