
1 Rachuig 138 25912
2 Rent A Plant 117 25706
4 Primal Undertakers 116.5 25386
3 Tiny's Terminators 114.5 24721
5 Team Unique 102.5 24945
6 ATBSO 92.5 24037
8 Deep South Boys 90 23999
9 OCS 89 24051
7 One Pin Short 88 23785
10 Mama's Boys 85.5 23756
11 Box 77 22923
12 The RatPac 62.5 23047
13 Thara-Breds 55.5 22842
14 Noizeworks 45.5 21897

1 Rachuig 110.5 19501
2 Team Smilie 87.5 18822
3 Black Widows 83.5 17996
4 Rent a Plant 82.5 18108
5 Unique Dream Team 81 18698
6 Southern Strikers 63 17731
7 Coca Cola Angels 61 17346
8 Kalgirlies 19 15750
Well that's the Gold Cup over for another year and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

It was a toughie on the men with 14 teams, however, we saw some great performances both as a team and individually - the highlights for me over the weekend were the achievements of Sylvia Wilson & Chris Barrett. Definitely 2 shining stars of the future. Chris in his first Gold Cup was a standout performer and bowled the high men's average of 207 and Sylvia for the women with a 199 ave.

Both the Ladies and the Men's Rachuig teams were clear winners - Congratulations - you will do us proud in Melbourne I'm sure and thanks to the Rent a Plant family you now have some handy spending money.

Thanks to everyone who made the weekend a huge event - it was great to see Carol Gianotti in the Centre. A shame we couldn't see her in action having only just had surgery on her knee. Maybe next year Carol.

So now it's the Unique Knockout Tournament and the Xmas Doubles to look forward to........see you all then!!

PS Good luck also to ATBSO and the Walter de Veer Men - we'll be wwatching this space for results.


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