First 300 by a female in rachuig

Just like to say a huge congrates to Tracey.

We only new it was a matter of time before you bowled one.

Keep up the good bowlin and i am sure we will see more of those from you.

Congrates Trac.

Well done Tracey,

Awsome effort, especially by someone in their first Rachuig, first year out of juniors.

Keep up the great bowling.

i must add that it was one of the best 300's i have seen
and i have seen some good one's
Well Done Tracey keep up the gd work, hopefully Mum gave ya me congrats if she didnt here it is!!! Well done agen and ill cya round

Congrats Tracey! you deserve it so much, you've been bowling great lately.

Keep up the great bowling., cya soon

Jessica (and the other Dzioba's)
12 months ago we discussed some goals for 2004

1, Bowl Rachuig

2, Make the All Star Team

3, Bowl your first 300 Game

Time to set some new goals, well done I knew you WOULD do
hey i would like to say congrats 2 tracey fr bowling 300 i just missed it i was walking in the door as i heard all this noise. I'm sorry i missed it tracey. At leats u keep up ur end of the bagging between u and trotts

well done and congrats on creating history on becoming the first woman to shoot 1 in the tourney...

Congrats and well deserved!!
hey big congrats on ur latsest 300 tracey!!....some fab bowling i hear, keep up the good work...
hope to see more of them to come in the near future!! :D :D

catch ya laters
Congrats Tracey on your first ever 300 it was pretty awsome
every one perfect and what a time to do it. :wink:

well done in making allstars as well :lol:
Congratulations Tracey on such an awesome achievement.
Also Congrats for topping the averages and making the All Stars.
To think, only about almost 3 months ago after the VIP Classic here at Moonah you told me you didn't think you were that good :lol:

Great bowling :)
Hey Tracey My sweet girl , like I told you over in melb , YOU ARE A CHAMPION HONEY!

It was a fantastic effort to see you bowl it , and even better to finish 1st in all stars :D

YOU ROCK TRACEY and you know you can go heaps further in bowling and Ill be watching every step of the way from the net!

Love ya girl
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