Curently have a whitedot, a new freeze and got the old throttle-R redrilled for me tonight that I bought 12 months ago. The freeze is very nice for the money
I voted Columbia as I have a Apogee, Momentum, and now a PURE PHYSICS and I find they suit my style of bowling. I also have a Brunswick Diamondback and a Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle as a spare ball.
A while back I said it was Roto Grip, but I have to say it's now motive, I believe that Motiv is on their way to being a major player if they're not there yet. I had a SR2, then got the Cruel, and now a Recon. All three are great balls.
I guess I'd be a bowling ball whore... Got rotogrip, storm, track but my favourite would be Brunswick and hammer. The plague and evil siege are both great balls.