embarising moments

Steve R

what is your most embarising moment at the bowling alley?
i'll start us off
i was bowling on my in a five man team and i was bowling bad.my friends mum has a 103 ave and bowled a 156 i needed 2 strikes and 2 pins to beat her by 1 i bowled 2 strikes i thought i had won then on the last shot i pushed it to wide bowling a gutter ball and a 155 losing to her for the fist time and to this day she still reminds me about it.
haahah dont feel bad steve

one night in league, last frame, need 2 strikes and 3 pins to win.
i got the 2 strikes and was feeling very confident, I BOWLED A GUTTER BALL


I am probably the most uncoordinated person you will meet so i have a wealth of embarrasing moments to pick from but i can't tell you them so instead here are some tips to avoids these moments:

1. No matter how your bowling keep the noise at the foul line when everyone can see you as quite as possible.

2. If you fall over stay on the right side of the foul line.

3. if you hit your ankle with the bowling ball try not to cry till your home in bed

4. if your starting to fall do ANYTHING to balance yourself no matter how wierd it looks 'cause trust me, falling is worse.

5. When having a fun day and bowling through someones legs NEVER !!! follow through, especially if it's a guy and he's facing you

well i hope that helps and you avoid some embarresing moments.

P.S i didn't do all those things i swear.
Yeah, I was bowling with my left hand as opposed to my normal right hand, and fell over like a baby!
I fell over rather slowly, but I still got a strike ...
well i did this about 5 yrs ago during league one saturday morning, i went up and bowled my shot, became a little off balance and after trying hard not to fall over i eventually did BUT the important thing was that my feet did not go over the foul line... just everything else did.
so i was flat on my back, looking up at the lights on the lane, and still knocked'em all down. so that was pretty embarrassing and was trying incredibly hard not to crack up for the rest of the day...
Ok, this one isn't mine and isn't about a junior either but I couldn't help myself...
Tournament: '99 Adult State Masters
Venue: Burnie Bowl
Beck Salter and I were fairly even for the first couple of games, so I was watching what she was doing with interest. Anyway towards the end of game, Beck left a ten pin and picked up her spare ball to make the spare. Sadly, things didn't go quite to plan and the ball never managed to come off her thumb until after she had skipped over the foul line in an attempt to stop the momentum of the ball. This was all a wasted effort however as the ball swung upwards and hit her straight on the forehead! Hehe.

Needless to say, she wasn't quite herself for the rest of the tournament!!
Sorry Becka, you made me do it!!! lol.
Kace mate...
Haha, never did like that spare ball

Sweety I distinctly remember not so long ago that you were leaving the bowl, jumped in the car to go home... reversed the car only to see bowling balls rolling around the car park in your rear view mirror - On getting out the check these mysteriuos balls, you find they are yours!!!
Yep that's right, you left them at your boot, where you forgot to put them in, and then reversed right into them... haha, what a classic, I love it!!

Love Beck

Whoops sorry, had to be said
Hehehe....That Reaction "Roll" certainly did just that huh?? It rolled right across the carpark.

But at least the damage wasn't as bad as the old Power Surge. That would make a very nice door stop, wouldn't it?? Wouldn't even roll out of place!!

Hehe, Androo... That's great about the Power Surge, and I would've agreed with U... before I bowled 300 with that very ball in January!
As far as the embarassment goes, I remember seeing a particular male (He'll kno wwho he is!) have the ball stick to his thumb to the point where the ball ended up on the lane next to him and HE ended up halfway down the lane in the gutter! Amazingly, he was still on his feet!
Ok, well i've had my fare share of embarring moments.
1. get up to bowl lose my balance and fall flat on my arse
2. Get up to bowl for practice and my friend says hope u fall, and what do i do, i fall in the gutter
3. Very end shot have stikes going for my third and i throw my arm out and get a 2

Chatch ya's!
doing a pre-bowl with 3 ladies i didn't know, and tripping myself with my own 2 feet as i've gone up on my approach
Quite a few years ago, at Moonah Bowl a good mate of mine had just released the ball. The shot was looking pretty good going down the lane and he decided to ride the ball and tripped over his feet and fell flat on his behind.

Being the extrovert that he was, he tried to salvage some lost pride and flip himself back up on to his feet without using his hands. Unfortunately ( for himself ) his landing wasn't exactly perfect and he fell flat on his arse for the second time.

I have never seen so many bowlers laugh so loud and for so long - thanks for that classic moment SHANE.
Quite a few years ago, at Moonah Bowl a good mate of mine had just released the ball. The shot was looking pretty good going down the lane and he decided to ride the ball and tripped over his feet and fell flat on his behind.

Being the extrovert that he was, he tried to salvage some lost pride and flip himself back up on to his feet without using his hands. Unfortunately ( for himself ) his landing wasn't exactly perfect and he fell flat on his arse for the second time.

I have never seen so many bowlers laugh so loud and for so long - thanks for that classic moment SHANE.

hey put it this way, i know what lane oil tastes like! Bowling at Fairlanes city, slipped and went face first into the oil. It was during a tournament, and my doubles partner did the same thing- but he got the strike.
yeah it was pretty funny.
I'll tell yas the story cos Jess didnt do a good job.
we(me and Jess) were walkign to the shops to get some food, and on the way we walked by a little playground with Swings(as u may of guessed) and there was a guy and girl on the swings, the girl swang up and jumped off well, the guy not to be outdone went for one last swing and came back looking to improve on the girls jump. He got to the point where he shouldve flown off, let go, but kept going up and up, and then crashing all the way back down again, and to rub it in, got hit in the head with his own swing. I cant recall a time where me and jess have laughed so hard for so long!!

Later Da Cowman
hey guys, me again,

just to clarify things, it was me and stephen on the swings, and stephen was the guy that fell off, storys straight now cow!

luv ya!
ill admit it was me, it was the one most embarising, yet funniest moments of my life, i dont think Jess will ever let me forget it.

Later Da Cowman
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