ECCC 2004 - Sunshine (VIC)

MiSs HoT pAnTs

Hey All
Was jus wondering what Sunshine lanes are like? A comparison to a QLD centre would be good. Anyone?
Well if your from QLD why would we tell you what Sunshine lanes are like??
The lanes are terrible, old 'wooden' lanes... :twisted:
Start Practicing on any wooden lanes you can :lol: :twisted:
Same goes for all of you in NSW :wink:
Nice one spoon,

Your either

a. a true victorian (not too smart)
b. you honestly can't tell the difference between HPL synthetics and wood
c. blind
d. trying to put some Queenslanders off
e. all of the above

Sunshine's lane surface is HPL synthetic (just like Mt Gravatt, Kedron and Greenslopes). It plays different to lanes up in QLD though as they actually put some oil on the edge boards down there which results in the shit being inside (outside is out of bounds).

Good luck finding a centre up here with a comparible condition. My advice, make all your spares and practise shooting up 10 :D
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