Don't bowl at AMF Woden



I just have to vent my spleen about the worst bowling experience I’ve had in my life.

Last night I rang Belconnen bowl (where I normally roll) to book a lane but unfortunately there was nothing available all night. I decided to take a punt as I really felt like a couple of games and rang Woden Bowl to book a lane for 7:30pm. Living in Palmerston, I thought Woden was worth the trip. The lady answered the phone saying “No problem, I’ll see you at 7:30pm”.

I rock up, pay for the games and bowl my first ball. I score a strike but nothing happens. After pressing the reset button about 20 times in a hope to get on with my game, I realise I have no choice but to line up in a massive queue at the counter to have the staff switch my lane on. How hard is it? You pay for your games; they flick a switch. It’s not rocket science.

Anyway, 15 minutes later, my wife can finally have her first roll.

Two frames into the second game the attendant comes over and asks me to move to another lane, as there is a large group arriving and they all want to be placed together. Begrudgingly but politely, we agree to move and have our scores transferred.

It’s now my third frame and three steps through my four step approach, all the lights turn off and moonlight bowling is on. At this point I can’t see a single arrow on the lane.

We decide to put up with this for another 2 frames before I ask at the counter to turn the lights back on, as I can’t see my arrow!!! They do so, at which point I’m putting up with the incestuous noise of literally hundreds of kids screaming both to the left and right of me. At this point the evening appears to be going downhill badly. There is no etiquette when it comes to the behaviour in the little league and getting them to give way to the right even once is a virtual impossibility.

Anyhow, we keep bowling and the moment my wife finishes her final frame, all the lights are out again. We can’t even pack up our stuff as we literally couldn’t see anything.

The fact the cow behind the counter didn’t warn me the little league was playing moonlight bowling when I made the booking is an absolute disgrace. I certainly won’t be ever going back there and I recommend you don’t either (Unless you’re under the age of 10 and love moonlight bowling)!!!

chris, i suggest that if you have a problem, which you obviously do, you should contact the centre manager and talk to her.
her name is Nanette, if you wish to be man enough to call her and express your concerns to her, as opposed to whining like a girls blouse on here.
it is whingers like you who spoil the game and forums such as this

I agree with Andrew,

Any good centre manager will welcome your call in regards to any situations/problems you had while in there centre......

Most managers dont read this forum or if they do wont reply to a post such as yours ( Which i think is the right thing - The correct message doesnt always come across in writing )

If they dont know what can they do to stop it arising again in the futrure?? I know if I was the centre manager Id want to hear from you..........

Like Andrew said............. Call Nanette at Woden.... Im sure she will take the time to listen to your concerns.......

And remember you can always contact them whe you have had a good experience in there centre aswell :)

XR8Chirs you didn't make it clear if the staff were aware you were practising and if you were bowling for fun then arrows shouldn't be a big deal. The only thing that worries me is that the tension in your posting may have been reflected on the lanes infront of the 10year olds. That wouldn't have been a good example to set if so. I found that in my experience many, not all, league and tournament bowlers have forgotten how to bowl for fun and don't tolerate novices who don't give way. And you shouldn't be calling people names cos it makes you look bad. Stress less mate.


You obviously cant be too serious of a bowler as the noise and distractions wouldn't worry you...

When was the last time you booked a lane at Belconnen and asked who else was bowling that night......Dont take too long to think about this question as you may pop a brain cell...

The bowl does every thing it can to make the night enjoyable for everyone who attends and too expect special treatment on your out of the blue visit is unheard of....

Did you mention to the staff that you were practicing....I guess not...and what makes you so special that you think you dont have to line up at the counter and wait your turn...

If this is just a brief expression of your the rest of us a favour and stick to belconnen.....

Waste of time

What is the point in complaining?? The staff sound as tho they did everything possible. They spoiled the fun of numerous children, just because one man complained. Personaly i think half the trick the the game is CONCENTRATION. Sure, the kids may have been loud, sure it may have been dark. Try working on your approach, or a different part of your game.

And next time, tell the staff that you are practising, then they would have given you heads up about the lights, and you could then chose to bowl, or leave.

I rekon the staff should have left the lights off. And i think the sport of bowling can do without people like you.

Scanning through the posts in regard to bowling in Canberra, I read your post as well as the responses. I must say that both sides have a point to the arguement. From a bowling point of view it is great to have a house full of enthusistic kids enjoying themselves bowling - as these kids are potentially our Nursery for junior league bowlers. From your point of view, I can understand fully your frustration. I just think that you should have been better informed (when making the booking) as to the night's activities so that you could have made your decision then.
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