Congratulations to Rob Piotrkowski and Helen Lum


Staff member
Congratulations to the two winners of the restricted masters on Sunday at Amf Richlands Tenpin in the Brisbane Area Championships…

Rob Piotrkowski bowled a 227 scratch average to win the Men’s by 42 pins from David Flewellen.

Helen Lum bowled a 160 ave and won the Ladies by 101 pins…

Sorry I don’t have a write up…
:rockon: :rockon: Thanks Barb !! Handicap is tough as you know; as you have to be "On" your Game to beat the lower bowlers high handicap. I've been runner-up for the last 3 years; so it was great to finally Win & win well ! :D

I'm currently doing 'extra research' with my bowling; so am very keen to move forward now. :stretcher:

Hope your bowling is on the way up also !! :smiley.php:

Sorry; if you get this message twice; but the system told me my original message was too short ! (& I didn't know what else to say!)

Cheers !! Helen L :rockon:
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