Congrats Cow!


Ide like to congratulate Stephen Cowland on bowling an awesome 1060 series last night for four games at Strikezone

Cows games:

268, 235, 257, 300

doing this after coming third at werribee youth cup... what a bowler;)

congrats AGAIN!!

i saw the thread and thought to me self "whats he done now?"

Great bowling cow...not that it isnt expect from someone of such class like yourself.

Keep it up
bitchy lil brunette said:
Is there anything this guy can't do??
Congrats Cow, Keep it up.
There are heaps
Lick his own elbow, buy a real dinosaur, spend less that half an hour in the toilet, tell the difference between green and red :p and last but not least go a whole day without paying me out in some way. hahaha

Congrats mate

craigy....i dont think anyone can go a whole day without paying you out.

Glad the ball worked for you - that Brando is a hell of a driller huh?

Make sure you throw the Action in for World's in Germany - I'll be there to check it's in your kit ok?

Thanks for the phone call last night too, ring with that sort of news anytime.

He also cannot have a peaceful time in the toilet whilst at Craigys lol ;) :-\"

Anyways...Looks like Cow got some Action hahaha! ;)
Congratulations mate! Its good to see good people being rewarded with good things...even if it is with Columbia hahaha!
Well Done

Cow, Congratulations

U are an amazing bowler, throwin that ball just like a pro... u are the man.
Go COW....

also u throw the best ball ever... soooo smooth, and accurate...just amazing!!!!!

its a pitty u are going to the USA though, oh well do australia proud!!!!

Hmmm... that's some pretty good scoring there if I do say so myself!
Um I pretty much don't know what else to say except for that's good and like ur good and like I like cheese

Bye bye
well done stephen, truely a cut above 99% of our youth bowlers, and if you keep on your current form, you'll definately be one of the greatest adult bowlers our country has seen too
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