Charlie Greyson Memorial Open


Both squads are limited to 40 bowlers each.

Saturday 8.30am
Sunday 8.00am

1. Paul Chambers 1/2 Spot
2. Carl Bottomley
3. Faye Bottomley
4. Alan Hollis LOCAL
5. Chris Cass LOCAL
6. Jason Tillack LOCAL
7. Garry Simpson
8. Brandon Qualischefski LOCAL
9. Peter McPherson LOCAL
10. Narelle Qualischefski LOCAL
11. Alf Matthews LOCAL

12. Brendan Meads
13. Chris Quaill LOCAL
14. David Weild
15. Michael Kearney
16. Luke Green
17. Stephen Henricks LOCAL
18. Tracy Jacobs LOCAL
19. Alex Winch LOCAL
20. Hamish Rogers
21. Jason Walsh
22. Cameron Walsh
23. Nicko Grey
24. Neil Aitken LOCAL
25. Warren Sutherland LOCAL
26. Travis Parker LOCAL

Saturday 12.15pm
Sunday 10.45am

1. Nathan Stein 1/2 Spot
2. Nick Aiton
3. Rob McGrath
4. Brian Pilkington
5. Kate Wilton
6. Darryl Alford
7. Kerry Stockwell
8. Stuart Crowley
9. Shayne Melton
10. Alicia Melton
11. Annie Kirby
12. Alan McKay

13. Peter Cameron
14. Leesa Bartlem
15. Gerald Cox
16. Casey Midgley
17. Lawrie (Animal) Hill
18. Duane Gilliland LOCAL
19. Andrew Drew
20. Graham Flatters LOCAL
21. Shane Jacobs LOCAL
22. Broni Morgan
23. Barry (Jagga) Morgan

24. Ryan Rodgers LOCAL
25. Peter (Pirate) Brown
26. Billy Ryan
27. Stephen Harris-Hughes LOCAL
28. Graham Allen
29. Troy Lumsden
30. David Pooley
31. Brian Looby
32. Maurice Fadl
33. Daan Wijker
34. Cameron Fadl
35. Damian Banar
36. Andrew Christopher

37. Liza Stein
38. George Frilingos
39. Clive Stewart
40. Joseph Moraitis

1 Res. Kristy Sullivan
2 Res. Jim Murray
3 Res. David Turnage
4 Res. Luke Rafton

Please phone Suncity Tenpin (07 5443 2580) to pay your deposit. Your entry is not secure until your deposit has been paid!

Brando - can you please pull Liza from B Squad as she will not be bowling (will be too busy socialising to bowl :surrender:). I will still be bowling of course...

come on everyone get in there and support the event brando is busting a gut to make this event the best one of the year
Don't forget all the other people helping Brando they also so need mentioning.
We all know how much hard work is involved in organising and running tournaments.This event was a huge success when we ran it for the first time in May 2005 and i'm sure it will be another successfull tournament in 2008.
Well done to everyone involved.

Both squads are limited to 40 bowlers each.

Saturday 8.30am
Sunday 8.00am

1. Paul Chambers 1/2 Spot
2. Carl Bottomley
3. Faye Bottomley
4. Alan Hollis LOCAL
5. Chris Cass LOCAL
6. Jason Tillack LOCAL
7. Garry Simpson
8. Brandon Qualischefski LOCAL
9. Peter McPherson LOCAL
10. Narelle Qualischefski LOCAL
11. Alf Matthews LOCAL
12. Blair Johnson LOCAL
13. Kelly Organ LOCAL
14. Brad Ross
15. Danea Ward
16. Brian Pilkington
17. Kate Wilton

18. Brendan Meads
19. Chris Quaill LOCAL
20. David Weild
21. Michael Kearney
22. Luke Green
23. Stephen Henricks LOCAL
24. Alex Winch LOCAL
25. Hamish Rogers
26. Jason Walsh
27. Cameron Walsh
28. Nicko Grey
29. Neil Aitken LOCAL
30. Daniel Voysey LOCAL

Saturday 12.15pm
Sunday 10.45am

1. Nathan Stein 1/2 Spot
2. Nick Aiton
3. Rob McGrath
4. Darryl Alford
5. Kerry Stockwell
6. Stuart Crowley
7. Shayne Melton
8. Alicia Melton
9. Annie Kirby
10. Alan McKay

11. Peter Cameron
12. Leesa Bartlem
13. Gerald Cox
14. Casey Midgley
15. Lawrie (Animal) Hill
16. Duane Gilliland LOCAL
17. Andrew Drew
18. Graham Flatters LOCAL
19. Shane Jacobs LOCAL
20. Broni Morgan
21. Barry (Jagga) Morgan

22. Ryan Rodgers LOCAL
23. Peter (Pirate) Brown
24. Billy Ryan
25. Stephen Harris-Hughes LOCAL
26. Graham Allen
27. Troy Lumsden
28. David Pooley
29. Brian Looby
30. Maurice Fadl
31. Daan Wijker
32. Cameron Fadl
33. Damian Banar
34. Kristy Sullivan
35. Robert Green
36. Yvette Lawton
37. Andrew Christopher

38. George Frilingos
39. Joseph Moraitis
40. Jim Murray

1 Res. David Turnage
2 Res. Luke Rafton

Please phone Suncity Tenpin (07 5443 2580) to pay your deposit. Your entry is not secure until your deposit has been paid!


Both squads are limited to 40 bowlers each.

Saturday 8.30am
Sunday 8.00am

1. Paul Chambers 1/2 Spot
2. Carl Bottomley
3. Faye Bottomley
4. Alan Hollis LOCAL
5. Chris Cass LOCAL
6. Jason Tillack LOCAL
7. Garry Simpson
8. Brandon Qualischefski LOCAL
9. Peter McPherson LOCAL
10. Narelle Qualischefski LOCAL
11. Alf Matthews LOCAL
12. Blair Johnson LOCAL
13. Kelly Organ LOCAL
14. Brad Ross
15. Danea Ward
16. Brian Pilkington
17. Kate Wilton
18. Chris Quaill LOCAL
19. Daniel Voysey LOCAL

20. Mary Flower
21. John Whillans

22. Brendan Meads
23. Michael Kearney
24. Luke Green
25. Stephen Henricks LOCAL
26. Alex Winch LOCAL
27. Hamish Rogers
28. Jason Walsh
29. Cameron Walsh
30. Nicko Grey
31. Neil Aitken LOCAL

Saturday 12.15pm
Sunday 10.45am

1. Nathan Stein 1/2 Spot
2. Nick Aiton
3. Rob McGrath
4. Darryl Alford
5. Kerry Stockwell
6. Stuart Crowley
7. Shayne Melton
8. Alicia Melton
9. Annie Kirby
10. Alan McKay

11. Peter Cameron
12. Leesa Bartlem
13. Gerald Cox
14. Casey Midgley
15. Lawrie (Animal) Hill
16. Duane Gilliland LOCAL
17. Graham Flatters LOCAL
18. Shane Jacobs LOCAL
19. Broni Morgan
20. Barry (Jagga) Morgan

21. Ryan Rodgers LOCAL
22. Peter (Pirate) Brown
23. Billy Ryan
24. Stephen Harris-Hughes LOCAL
25. Graham Allen
26. Troy Lumsden
27. David Pooley
28. Brian Looby
29. Maurice Fadl
30. Daan Wijker
31. Cameron Fadl
32. Damian Banar
33. Kristy Sullivan
34. Robert Green
35. Yvette Lawton
36. Andrew Christopher

37. George Frilingos
38. Joseph Moraitis
39. Jim Murray
40. David Turnage

1 Res. Luke Rafton
2 Res. Tyrone Watson

With only a few days to go our numbers are not looking too bad. If you have not yet paid your deposit please do so by calling Suncity Tenpin (07 5443 2580).

Ladies & Gentlemen

With only a few days to go we are not as full as what I'd hoped we'd be however it’s still a pretty good turn out. Over the last 10 days there have been 10 or more bowlers pull out which is disappointing.

Common guys, if you know of anyone who is not on the squad list who you think should be having a crack give them a friendly reminder about this event. Does anyone know what the following bowlers are up to? I don’t think I’ve seen them since our last CGMO tournament back in 2005?

Sid Ciancio, Phil Wilkinson, Vaughan White, Albert Mazzoni, Bruce Doig, Tim Reichel, Joe Gatt, Gary Bernadin, Brett Flewellen, Terry Wenban, Steve Hampson….and many more!

Also, if your name is on the squad list and you have not paid a deposit can you please do so ASAP.

Still to pay a deposit from B squad is:

George Frilingos (cheques not accepted)
Joseph Moraitis
Jim Murray
David Turnage
Luke Rafton
Tyrone Watson

Currently we have 27 bowlers in A squad and 40 bowlers in B squad with 3 reserves. I will post an updated squad list soon.

hey brando can you remove me please as i have to attend eccc shirt day to have a photo taken.
Pete, I'm happy to pay cash if we are receiving cash :D Better tell that to Qualla, he told me cheques were in order this weekend
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