Calling all future TBA Directors




Mr Peter Stening, the currently appointed financial advisor, has offered
his resignation effective from the 2008 AGM.

Now there's an offer they cant refuse..
Thanks for the heads up. I've already seen the announcement. Gee, they certainly give a lot of lead time don't they. I mean WOW, a whole ten days to fix up your nomination.
But have no fear Sampson..I'm on it like a fly to &$#@!

Did anyone take notice of the change in the 2008 director position descriptions?

Board of Directors
The Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited (“TBA”) constitution provides that the Board can include the following members:

1. Four Elected Bowler Representatives:
Mr John Coxon Chairperson of TBA. Tournament Management portfolio.
(One year of current term to serve)

Mr James McGinty Program Delivery portfolio.
(Current term completed 2008 AGM)

Mr Kevin Brawn Program Delivery portfolio.
(One year of current term to serve)

Vacant Corporate Affairs portfolio.

2. Two (2) Proprietor elected Directors:
Mr Roy Menachemson AMF appointment
Mr John Spencer Independent Proprietors

3. Two (2) Specialist appointments
Appointments will be made from time to time by the Directors of Tenpin Bowling Australia, to bring additional expertise to the Board. Mr Peter Stening, the currently appointed financial advisor, has offered his resignation effective from the 2008 AGM. The Board is currently seeking applications from Chartered Accountants with a minimum of 5 years experience to manage the Finance Portfolio.
This is a Board appointed voluntary Board position.

Bowler representative Directors are elected for a two (2) year term and are required to vacate their office at the end of each term. Directors can nominate for re-election. The Chairman is elected by the Board from the elected Directors.

With only two directors position available at this years AGM, I'm left with only one plausible course of action.

Director, Program Delivery

Due to the significant size of this portfolio, two (2) Director’s Program Delivery are elected at the Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Annual General Meeting for the specific purpose of managing the Program Delivery of Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited. The holders of this position will require skills and expertise in coaching and compliance
systems, training, sports development and high performance management for participants of all ability.


1. Chair the National Coaching and Compliance Committee annual meeting.

2. Develop & in association with the National Coaching and Compliance Committee, implement the TBA strategic plan for coaching & compliance.

3. Prepare the annual Coaching & Compliance budget in association with Financial Advisor.

4. In association with the Chief Executive Officer organise a biannual National Coaching Workshop.

5. Develop and update training programs for Coaches and Officials.

6. Prepare Coaches’ Newsletter for inclusion in the biannual National Newsletter.

7. Work cooperatively with the Chair of the Sport Development sub-committee.

8. Work cooperatively with the Chair of the Technical Compliance sub-committee.

9. In association with the High Performance Sub-committee develop and monitor elite bowler training programs in conjunction with the WTBA.

10. Execute the responsibilities of a Company Director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in the TBA Constitution, Board Charter and Governance Policies.
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