Australian Open!!

Hi Guys, another very interesting weekend to say the least!! so here we go

1.. Brett Riley fine attempt at getting on to the ground at colonial stadium...falling down the stairs and landing on some kid and then on to some chairs!!.....may now need spynkter replacement surgery.

2..Cameron Jenkins being pushed in the pool...and then jumping out to chase the culprit(none other than Ash Riley)...and then hitting the gate doing about 120km....and knocking himself in to the next millenium.....very funny aswell...

Thats about it, great trip good to catch up with other bowlers and talk it up a bit!.
This is what keeps us coming back friendships,beer,girls etc!!....and just a good time

Mark Foster
Hello Mr. Foster

Any truth to the rumour that the reason for you shooting a 128 game was because Mr. Jenkins was describing an ungodly act with a member of your family?? hahahaha

Nice work Milkie!!
afroman......i had a ball!!, party in the very sort after room 23 sat/sun nights all good....with comments such as......Hi Graham Willams from u got my,i know u like G.....It was a great weekend all round.
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