...and now, here is the nudes

From correspondents in Stockholm

August 23, 2006 12:00am

SWEDEN'S public broadcaster, SVT, faced ridicule yesterday for mistakenly showing a porn movie in the background of a news broadcast at the weekend.

Viewers of a five-minute news update at midnight on Saturday could see explicit scenes from a Czech porn movie called Sex Tails on a television monitor behind the head of newsreader Peter Dahlgren.

The monitor - one of many on the wall of a control room visible at the back of the studio - normally shows other news channels during broadcasts.

But staff members who earlier in the evening had watched a sports event on cable channel Canal Plus - which often shows X-rated films after midnight - forgot to switch it back, news director Per Yng said.

"This is highly embarrassing and unfortunate," he said.

"It must not happen again. This is unbelievable. If you decide to watch news, you shouldn't have to watch some stupid hardcore porn film. This will never happen again."

A producer quickly spotted the sex scenes and ran into the control room and turned off the monitor, Yng said.

There had been no complaints from viewers but "enormous interest from the media".

Swedish tabloids yesterday poked fun at the steamy broadcast, jokingly changing the name of the news program - Rapport - to Rapporn.

Magnus Akerlund, who oversees the hourly news updates, told the tabloid Expressen he was "shocked and dismayed" at the mistake.

"It's a huge blunder by us," Mr Akerlund said.
I don't know what all the fuss is about... :confused: shouldn't you be listening to what the journalist is saying rather than looking at what is going on in the background?

Good story none the less. At least us men know we aren't the only porn-addicted nation ;).
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