Am I the only one?


Bowling Tragic
Just think about it. Years ago, albeit back when I was living in California, I could walk into just about any bowling center in the state and sit down to watch someone throw a few games of practice. I'm not talking about recreational bowling now, but actual PRACTICE, when the end result is to improve upon one's bowling skills. Today I walk into a bowling centre and what do I see...........?
That's right...nothing worth watching outside of an occasional good looking young lady. No one practices anymore. Where's the pride and ambition gone? Bowling is definitely gone into the ****ter...

God help us all!
Little wonder with the prices they charge these days ;)
As an example, I used to toss about 15 games on a Sunday night (up until about Feb-March this year) which used to be affordable.
Then they got rid of all the decent rates and specials and started slugging $5.50 a game.
The centre wasn't in a position to negotiate on a cheaper rate because they don't set the prices, they're set elsewhere - so instead if getting that $45-50 off me each week they now get nothing.
I agree with the comment about a lack of pride, seems that at local level the once strongly competitive nature has fallen to a ****s n giggles, let's hit the piss mentality.
Local leagues became a rabble IMO the day they brought in the allowance of drinking into competition, and that's seen the proliferation of drunken hacks who don't care about the sport - that then flows on.
I will say though, from my experience not a great number practiced all that much even 20 years ago here, just that it's even fewer now.
To be honest, i have better things to to with my money and time, like running our business's, helping at the in-laws farm and then yes, hittin the piss, than waste it in a center that is not going to give me any improvement in my game, but just confuse me more!

I use my now one night a week league as 'practice', its just that i have 50 other people there as well.
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