Updated List so far.
Jason Pearson
Garden city lanes -216.6
Glen Loader (The Machine)
J Drew -218
Power Penguin -222
Tiger -223.2
Rowdy -225
Playa -226.16
Judy -228
Emmtee83 -217.7
Frosty -218.3
Xballs -225
Gutter Rat -226
Hammer -227
Leesa -228.3
Easy Tiger -228.5
Johnnybg -234.5
Vince Pearson -236.29
Jay74 -237
Jason Walsh (Hammer Head)
Broni -219.3
Adrian S -222
BowlerX -224.5
Cricky -225.5
Tazz -226
Street Racer -227.5
Luke -228
Speedwayster -228.3
Big Paulie -231.5
Timclaren -232.3
Brando (North Qld Mayor)
Jagga -218.9
Shayne Melton -223
Kyles -225.4
DaleS -226.5
Porto -180
Luke, -217.6
Peanut -220
Rayzer -221
Cassini -224.9
Michael Little
Andrew S -226
Paul Trotter
Knucklehead -220.3
Methomann -228.6
Alex -229
James Bowles
Jedi bowler -230
Chris Castle
Micka -215
Thanks again to Max from BBA for supplying the voucher.
To all the people that have said thanks it means alot to Max and Jase and to those that once again still can't, shame on you. K Mart would not allow Jase to return the golf ball so that will be up for grabs as well as the voucher.