Venue for commonwealth games - bowling


i am just wondering if anyone knows which bowl is going to be the venue for tenpinbowling in the commonwealth games 2006

tenpin bowling was only in the commonwealth games once, and doesn't feature in melbourne 2006.. :(
There is a youth team for the Commonwealth Games in 2006 and I believe that the centre is Bendigo.

I am pretty sure all the info is on the TBA site
The Youth Commonwealth Games 2004 in Bendigo starts in 2 weeks!

Tenpin Bowling is part of the games

Yes and I am providing LIVE scores - 1st to 3rd December ( then fly to Canberra for the LIVE scores on TotalBowling for the Brunswick Cup at the weekend)

Full details at of the event , and live scores at

Ian Nicholls
ahh, the youth comm. games is a different story :)

good luck to all involved!
As far as i know, Bowling was put in as an Exhibition sport by the Malaysian Comm Games Ass. Like the olympics, there are mandatory sports and then the Host organisation can select other sports to put in the program.

This is done by an application to the IOC/CGO after the host city has won the Bid. Malaysia put it in as it is a strong sport for their country (HA HA HA but we swept the medals)

this is what i understand happens, and apparently Melbourne chose Mountain biking or something obsure like that
Yeh jen i agree - what's with the mountain bike thing?

no one i know likes mountain bike riding....Lets hope the choose a decent sport like bowling.

there is a completely differnt side to mountain bikeing that what u have seen, it is one of the best sports behind bowling, and its the best addrenlian rush.
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