TBA Membership Cards


Elite Athlete
How long does it take to get my $20 Membership Card?

Paid for it in Middle of January. It's now March in a couple of days?

Feel the need to get at least something for my $20!


All cards are being processed within a VERY timely manner. Tenpin SA has committed to a 2 week turnaround from the time they are RECEIVED by Tenpin SA. To date Tenpin SA is MORE than meeting this.

Tony, you should speak to Greg Keep regarding this as we are lead to believe that there was a batch of cards from Vili's that were not presented for processing.

You should perhaps find out your facts before posting!! :rolleyes:


Cool thanks for that, however I handed mine in at the control desk at village in january prior to the ATBSO tournament, how-ever I nominated cross roads and vilis as my league.
Not sure if I understand what Greg's got to do with this???

I assume the slow pony express will arrive soon.......


Cool thanks for that, however I handed mine in at the control desk at village in january prior to the ATBSO tournament, how-ever I nominated cross roads and vilis as my league.
Not sure if I understand what Greg's got to do with this???

I assume the slow pony express will arrive soon.......



You will probably find you will be a member of village's association then as i was last year after paying rego at ATBSO event even though I put cross rd & woodville as preffered centre. As each centre gets a cut of the $20 fees each centre will obviously highjack as many extra registrations as possible.
You will probably find you will be a member of village's association then as i was last year after paying rego at ATBSO event even though I put cross rd & woodville as preffered centre. As each centre gets a cut of the $20 fees each centre will obviously highjack as many extra registrations as possible.

This shouldn't be the case, "Another change for the better from Tenpin SA!:p

All memberships paid at the various centers are being forwarded (with the "Cut") to the nominated centre as a joint agreement between local associations and Tenpin SA!

Thanks Jo,

I stand corrected. Just going by what happened last year to me. Hadnt heard anything about the new agrrement between the centres.

That's secret TBA business Robby, us people that pay the membership aren't allowed to know what's discussed behind closed door's, even if we do pay our membership.
I looked at the TBA calender and unless I missed it, I didn't see the AGM date.
Is there one.?

Curiosity once again?


People like you Tony give this sport a bad name especially in SA. Please be a little more considerate that the people who run things in this State do it voluntarily and do their best. If you feel you can do a better job then please put your hand up and do it. These people might have full time paid jobs so please put your money where your mouth is. Not allowed to hear what is discussed behind closed doors???? then put yourself on some committee where you can be behind those closed doors!!!!! Whingers are Whingers, Winners are Grinners.
Gee thanks for the advice Lyn, I'll think about it. Mmmm ---No!

Not sure your claim to fame in this sport is, but not even going to bother answering your light reading statements, except to say been there, done that.

As far as giving this state a bad name, sorry , bit late for that. If you cant do it right then don't do it at all. Or increase the membership fees and pay some-one that can. I am quite happy to pay a little extra for service?


Gee thanks for the advice Lyn, I'll think about it. Mmmm ---No!
Not sure your claim to fame in this sport is, but not even going to bother answering your light reading statements, except to say been there, done that.
As far as giving this state a bad name, sorry , bit late for that. If you cant do it right then don't do it at all. Or increase the membership fees and pay some-one that can. I am quite happy to pay a little extra for service?

I think we need to look at scrapping the centre associations and just going back to the 1 State body. Split the $20 between TBA/STATE body's $11/$9 instead of the current system $11/?/? TBA/CENTRE/STATE.
I think they used to pay somebody to do the job fulltime in the 70's & 80's didnt they. We still have the premises on South Tce dont we.

Your right Tony, 5-10 years in the 80's & 90's is plenty long enough serving on committees with no appreciation.
Back in those days we had, what, 8,000 odd members compared to 3,000-4,000 now.
We had no internet or Total bowling to keep people informed about things.
I looked at the TBA calender and unless I missed it, I didn't see the AGM date.
Is there one.?
Curiosity once again?
Tony, as much as you are trying to trip us up, whether me personally or Tenpin SA, I would have thought by now that you would know that I have ALL the answers and all angles covered - yes as much as you and many people would hate to admit it!!
You really should put a bit more time into your research before posting and making a complete *&^% of yourself all the time with your stupid negativity towards those of us who are trying to help this sport.
Not sure what calendar you are looking at, maybe you can't read :p , but the one I am looking at clearly states the date of the AGM. All centres have also been advised as per the required protocol and one would assume are displaying the notices!
Also, not sure why you have to have a "claim to fame" to be able to voice an opinion or post on this site? And what exactly is your "claim to fame", surely you are not still living on your ATBA "devotion" from 20 years ago? Maybe you woud like to share your "claim to fame" with us and explain why you feel this gives you the right to put everything and everyone else down who doesn't "meet your standard" :confused: :rolleyes:
And finally - I have just laughed so hard you have made my day with your comments "be willing to pay more for service". No matter what the fee was or how much service was provided for that fee - You can't please people who just don't want to be pleased.
I'm sorry, I thought you had retired Jo, so I assume these are your personal comments and not as the TBA Manager.
Forget my ATBA days, I also talking about being on the SATBA days, you remeber them, Jo, don't ya. Mind you you were probably still at school, if that.

I just love people that have not been in at any level, having some of the opinions they have.
Bit like getting a level 1 or 2 coaching certificate with having been at that level.(Cornflake packet coaches)

I owe the game nothing as far as I'm concerned, and don't bring in ATBA devotion days which I put in more than you would have ever in a life time.

I'm still waiting for the long term plan you set in motion to bring rachuig up to the level we use to have.

You have a nice day


With all due respects to both parties, would this not be better addressed through private messaging. We have enough of a reputation without this type of slanging match (and that IS what it has turned into) making it worse.

I am not a moderator, but I think this has gone on enough in a public forum.
Apologies to all who are offended by my honesty :rolleyes: Not the first time my honesty has got me in trouble!

Just answering the 'Questions' with factual answers.
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