Tasmanian Men win Walter De Veer


Active Member
Congratulations to the Tasmanian Men's Walter De Veer team who took out the Mens Division of the Walter De Veer trophy in Townsville.
Word reached Moonah Bowl this evening and there was great applause from the Sponsors League bowlers upon hearing the news of the win.

Our Mens team placing first, our Walter De Veer Ladies team placed in 6th position after being well in contention throughout the first day and a half.
This gave Tasmania an overall 3rd placing in the tournament.

Congratulations and Well Done to Mark Vass, Colin Sculthorpe and the bowling crew for a job well done :D
to the deveer team, well done, extremely good effort, you guys put in so much time effort and practice, and it is all paying off with you reaping the rewards, well done you couldnt be more deserving of a better reward for all your efforts, and well done to the ladies too you did us all proud all of you!
Congratulations on a great team effort, well done to everyone involved.

Hopefully, Rachuig can follow in your foot steps and repeat your fantastic performance

=D> =D> =D>
Yes ditto to everything everyone has already said. Great to see the Tassie men get up and take the trophy.

Also, well done to the two Garrys (Garry Lee and Garry Arnol) on making "the team of the year".

Well done to everyone associated with the DeVeer team.
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