sports series



Good evening all,

I have been speaking to Lyn chown,Russle chown and da cowman,

we are trying to get a series like jase has in queensland, with over all points and price money, now we need feed back fron you the bowler to get it running. please advise if you would be interested, spread the word as if we can get it going up and proper then it will help all bowlers.

plus we might be able to run something for the low end bowlers as well.

Hi there Leigh, what i think Peter is more talking about is something similar to the totalbowling curcuit that is run in quennsland see below:

where he is looking to see if anyone would be interested in a selection of weekends of bowling at different centres around NSW, which would incorporate the sydney suburban bowling centres as well as country areas in the illawarra, central coast, newcastle, bathurst, orange as well as canberra.

If there was enough interest from not only the bowlers but also the bowling centres then an effort could be made by those in the know to look at getting all the centres interested to put there heads together to see when would be best to host there leg of the series.

From there if it is done professionally even sponsorship could be looked at to bump up the exposure to the league as well as add to the prize fund and would also be a great way of travelling the circuit and creating new friends in bowling.

It sounds like a lot of work but if everyone can work together to a common goal i am sure that a very good series with dates up front for an entire year could be put together which would not inpact the bowling centres or the major tournaments in Australia that are run throughout the year.

Just on that super series that is currently running, both myself and Peter will be attending and we are all for these tournaments we are just trying to see if we can get other bowlers and centres to join the fun and make a series state wise with points for an overall winner for that year.

Hope that clears a few things up and i hope that people can get behind this initiative.

Peter feel free to add to this if i have missed anything.

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
I think it is a great idea, I know the Queensland series is very popular, how about making a male and female division, as I am sure this would attract more female bowlers, myself included to compete, as I know many of us ladies cannot compete against the guys as the averages are just way to high for us to compete on a sort of level ground. Just my thoughts, but would definately think it would be great for NSW to have something like this.

Carolyn Young
I think she knew what he meant, That is what Da Cowman is trying to set up.

With respect tournament series' baby steps is always the rule.

I have no doubt that once Cow's sport series has a few more under it's belt, it will go from strength to strength. But you have to start small, it's a step in the right direction, and I for one, applaud Stephen for making the step.

The best thing you guys can do is get behind him and support the NSW sports series, offer to help out and make sure you promote the events and get more and more bowlers involved.
hey all,

I have been speaking with cow and lyn, I am on there side,

All i wanted really was feed back from bowlers in New South Walse just to see if we can organise something for next yr, Steve has a good thing going that is one of the reasons i wanted feed back so the bowlers have a say and we then can get together and discuss things.

So please dont shoot the messenger, put comments down on what you would like, what centres and stuff, the more feed back the more steve and lyn can investigate so we can have the best run series going and have bowlers coming to bowl.
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