Some Serious Thrill Issues

Should be Fun?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think you are more than "just misunderstood"!!!!!!!!!

I think you have serious thrill issues. Or a cast iron sphincter muscle.............
Awww common Brenton,
I am 43 and by the time I am 50 I will have jumped out of a perfectly good aircraft with parachute! at 14,000 feet, bungie jumped and had a ride on the worlds largest roller coster. Oh and you can add the vomit comet (that is NASA's weightless training aricraft~ apparently tourists can try it out now!) to the list as well.
I'm the crazy Aunt in the family that all the young sprogs love!
Thrill issues ~ yep and damn proud to be that way
I don't like to stand on the edge of the cliff ~ I like to jump off it........:D
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