Seating at Tournaments


Tournament Knitter
Can someone please explain to me why centres put out tables and chairs for spectators to watch from and then other people come and stand right in front of those who are seated? Now I am not meaning the centre staff who do an excellent job being on hand to assist the bowlers with problems that arise from time to time. I am talking about the people who walk forward and stand directly in front of those sitting quietly and then keep looking over their shoulders as if to watch the discomfort as we perform contortions to see around the standing spectator. Over the weekend we travelled approximately 1800kms to particpate in and watch the SPC. We left after the second game of matchplay because each time we moved to a clear view someone came and stood in front of us.
At the SPC there was ample room behind the chairs and many bowlers and spectators did stand and look over the heads of those seated.
When those standing are politely asked to move just a small amount so we can all see the response is usually a vacant look. I know the centres can be noisy but the level of industrial deafness this sport must be causing is alarming!
Not everyone bowls at elite competitions some enjoy the role of spectator. So please spare a thought for those around you so we can all enjoy our sport.
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