Russell Chown - 300


Staff member
i would just like to congratulate Russ for his 300 last night at Penrith. He bowled it in his 2nd game following his 258. Well done mate. Many more to come. For those who didn't know it was his 3rd 300.

Your Bro,
Hey Russ
Congrads from me as well...although it should have been in your first game!!!! you were on fire last night...i dont know who was more nervous you or definately have to say bec or though it is questionable on your 11th strike...but the 12th was in the pocket all the way..
Its pauls turn next
Love Loz
Well done LilChowny !!!! Keep em coming !!!

So what are the rest of the Chown's doing down under ?

Ozzie in Nevada....
Hey Ozzzz!!!

Long time no speak man!!! How u been?? we are all still kickin. things are good man
gimme an email [email protected]
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