NSW Open Masters - Results


The NSW Open Masters results held at Illawarra Strikezone.

Ladies Division:

1st - Sue Cassell (avg 207)
2nd - Carolyn Young (avg 196)
3rd - Julie Hird (avg 194)
4th - Sally Kerr (avg 189)
5th - Michelle Tonks (avg 185)
6th - Evelyn O'Donnell (avg 183)

Mens Division: (21 entries)

1st - Neil Donnelly (avg 226)
2nd - Christian Purdue (avg 221)
3rd - Justin McKinney (avg 218)
4th - JP Li (avg 216)
5th - Nathan Jenner (avg 209)
6th - Josh Bulow (avg 208)

Both winners gain a free entry into 2005 Australian Masters.
Congratulations Sue and Neil, nice going Christian, good to see Justin Mckinney doing a bit of bowling. :D

Congrats Neil and Sue...nice to see Strikezone make a clean sweep, eh. Congrats to everyone who qualified, especially in the mens...where I heard the cut was 720. Is that true? If anyone knows, I'd appreciate the answer.


Rowey :p
Congratulations to both Sue and Neil. Nice bowling guys...
3 years as State champ for Sue I hear...nicely done!!
good to see one of my good mates joshua bulow getting up there well done mate, thats gold.
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