Mary Flower - 300



:lol: Congratulations to Mary Flower who bowled a 300 the other night at Caboolture.

I believe it was bowled in the first game and then backed up with 3 x 200+ games.

A fantastic effort Mary - Well Done!

See you at Kedron this weekend!
Fantastic effort after coming back from your injury layoff..
Congratulations Mary, and we'll see you on Sunday
Broni & Jagga :lol:
Congratulations Mary
Definately a fine effort and is well deserved.
Keep the high games coming.

Well Done
Take care,
Kim Barry.
Congrats one deserves it more than you.....
I know Brenda is watching and smiling somewhere.....and I know she would say.......good on ya crow !!!!

Deb sends her Love........

Well done, A 300 game is every bowlers dream and we are absolutely stoked (as you would be!!!) that you have achieved this milestone.
Once again well done
Take care and we will see you soon
Love Nay and Missy King [/b]
:D :D :D :D
excellent, excellent, excellent
could this be a record ???
for the oldest women in australia to bowl a 300???
sorry mary, but i think it would be nice to hold some sort of record, no matter what it is!!
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