Junior Shield NSW 2007


Well-Known Member
There are nomination forms out for Southern NSW and Northern NSW Committees but I was wondering if there has been confirmation of boundaries for each Area/Zone?
The nomination form reads Junior State Tournament Committee, does this include Shield?
Or is the NSW State Tournament now to be run in two zones, similar to Qld? Does this mean we have two masters qualifiers as well, same as Qld?
Traditionally parents, coaches and managers, as well as interested personnel have applied for positions but need to know geographic cut off, particularly for country areas.
Some information or even a forum for parents is long overdue.
Anyone have any answers?

Bowlers eligible for the 2007 Northern New South Wales must reside in New South Wales and north of a line drawn through the middle of Broken Bay, Hawkesbury River to Colo River, Capertree River to south of Lake Windamere and from there directly due west.

Bowlers eligible for the 2007 Southern New South Wales must reside in New South Wales and south of a line drawn through the middle of Broken Bay, Hawkesbury River to Colo River, Capertree River to south of Lake Windamere and from there directly due west.

As listed on the TBA website
Yes I was premature not waiting for more info TBAL, but the other questions refering to the two state tournament committees and their roles is very important.
Before we had just one State Tournament Committee that ran one State Tournament, now they are asking for nominations to two. Don't know if this covers the Shield organisation as well?
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