


Just want to congratulate Matty Sing on bowling his second 300 today! Great job gorgeous, this is only the beginning... Keep em comin!!

nice work matt another one keep them coming hope to see some more
Well done Matty,
Nearly shot another one a few games later with a nice 289. Well done again.
congrates dude ,look at him hes a machine hope too c some more hey but not when u verse me hey
anywayz congrates i love this dude
your just getting better and better and BETTER!!! :) soon youll be throwing 300's down every game :lol: .Keep it up :wink:

LATER :twisted:
hey matty well done buddy congrats on your second one mate 8) hopefully see many more but none against victoria at the nationals alrite hahaha :twisted: CONGRATS ANYWAYS
Hey Matt!!!
Great to hear such wonderful news!!! Just adds to the excitement of winning State! :D
Musta been that Track gear eh?? :wink: lol.
Keep up the great work champ!!!

Hey congrats to my little friend matty.....well done and im sure there is more to come..Keep it up darlin'.....
Love ya homo xoxo
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