Carl another 300!!!!

yeah my mouths running checks i cant cash, so does that mean you want to have a side bet ass well Jeff? Jase aka( mr no Side roll) we might have to set up our own Tab outside Redcliffe bowl next weekend,
side bets !!!!!!!!!! steve your starting to sound like that other guy that wants to bet on everything at least u will pay up when u lose!!!! :lol: :lol:and u will lose !!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

how about u and freehook have your little game at redcliffe then next weekend we all go out and play some golf !!! pick any course we go to the first hole throw all the balls into a greenside bunker and we can bet on how many shots it will take jase to get out!!! we can start at 5 and go up !!! and don't u laugh morgan i would start the betting at 10 for u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p
yeah i wont go into hideing :D :D
Ill bring the coffee, Jeff you bring the biscuits, we might there a while
Hey jase just rung Redcliffe, they said that a 20 ltr drum of lane oil has just been delevered, so there will be no Free hook for you buddy.
Ill bring the coffee, Jeff you bring the biscuits, we might there a while

Ok Jeff you’re not playing fair now, if I am supplying the entertainment then make sure my coffee is white and two and please add the milk first before the water, biscuits? Well I like the scotch fingers thanks. It’s not the getting out that hurts its how far from the green it finishes when it gets out.
Gee I wish I hit my driver that far!!!! :roll:

Oh by the way Jeff how those lessons coming along (has your handicap come in any yet) :oops:

Hey jase just rung Redcliffe, they said that a 20 ltr drum of lane oil has just been delevered, so there will be no Free hook for you buddy.

Mate that’s ok I will bring my orbital sander should be all good to find some free hook again with that in the bag. [-o<

But Steve I think you will find the extra oil is because they herd you were coming and thought that the extra hot chip sales were gunner go through the roof, mate the extra oil you will find will be LOW FAT CANOLA OIL I rang and ordered it for you myself personally I had your health at best interests. \:D/

You wont need your orbital mate, you will have enough sand in you pockets from the game of golf before hand to get some grip and purchase on the lanes, :) :)
As for the Lot fat canola oil, no thanks mate, dont like chips, Jeff on that see food diet might though 8) 8)
You and Jeff have similar games dont you Jase?
The two of you could team up for a doubles combination, ure combined scores might make the card :wink: :wink:
Must be great to be able to bowl anywhere stand in the same spot and bowl straight at the pocket with 2 boards of hook, if only golf was as easy hey Jase :lol: :lol:
Steve with all this extra confidence i would swear you have been eating some of those Nucifora bowen mangoes.

I hope after all the talk mate they work just as good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Other wise i am sure Sam could line you up some picking work to pay off all your debts :lol:

Oh by the way Jeff how those lessons coming along (has your handicap come in any yet)

the lesson's ?? haven't had any jase , i went and asked a golf pro how to lower my score he watched me swing the club a few times looked me straight in the eye's and said cheat!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

STEVE SAID-- You and Jeff have similar games dont you Jase?

SHIT STEVE I HOPE WE DON'T I MIGHT HAVE TO KILL MYSELF !!!!!!!!!!! the main thing we do different is i use the correct hand to bowl with and play golf the right way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol
and don't u laugh morgan i would start the betting at 10 for

The funny part being in a bunker is when i look over my shoulder i always seem to see two things comeing out of the trees 1. a would be left hander and you.
I would just like to congratulate Carl on another 300! Oh hang on am i under the right topic or is this the fat man shoot out topic? :lol: Either way i guess i'm in the right place. :lol:

Hey Jase said he was busy and he just wanted me to put a post up for him, i think he said: "Tell that crippled runt (or at least it rhymed with runt :wink: ) and the Dirty Hammeroid ridden karate kid, that there will be two types of free hooks for both of them at Redcliffe, a left hook and a right hook! :wink: I was going to stay out of this topic until i saw TAB, why do you mongrels keep doing that to me? :lol: I don't feel like donating at Redcliffe but i sure would like a piece of side action! I would like to know if i can get some money on all three of you? Thats right all three of your scores combined to make matchplay! :lol: :lol:

Hey Jase, is that what you wanted me to say? I couldn't remember whether you said runt or ? :wink:

Once again well bowled Carl! :lol: :lol: Those lifters mustn't be too bad :wink:
I haven't seen this until today but I must say one thing.

You guys are fuuunnnyy!

Jase, Maybe if you read through this caefully there is a name somewhere in the post for the new flying machine due to run next year.
Hey Boss,
I thought you were a great donator, why not bowl, unless your scared of a certain somebody :roll: :roll:
Hey Ronnie i heard you knew a bloke that could get me some cheap paint :shock: :shock:
And Jase isnt fat he's big boned remember, At least thats whats the guys at the Wickem are saying :D :D
Jase, Maybe if you read through this caefully there is a name somewhere in the post for the new flying machine due to run next year

Yes well i think i have you to thank or blame for that Carl :lol: I don't think Ronnie will be keen for it to be named just after me do you????

The funny part being in a bunker is when i look over my shoulder i always seem to see two things comeing out of the trees 1. a would be left hander and you.

Nice deubet Morgan but i think you will punnished for that comment right Jeff :lol:

And Jase isnt fat he's big boned remember, At least thats whats the guys at the Wickem are saying

I think wat Steve is realy trying to do here is come out, Come on guys lets get behind him and support him at such an important stage in his life.We all know how much hand he gets on it :rainbowa:

the lesson's ?? haven't had any jase , i went and asked a golf pro how to lower my score he watched me swing the club a few times looked me straight in the eye's and said cheat!!!!!!!!

Mate i have seen you play golf remember,your they guy who doesn't need sun screen,because as Morgan said you seem to always be in the shade. Sounds like he took the coke bottle glasses off before he looked into those eyes.You sure you havent been down the Wickham with Steve mate. :lol:

Well well well! Some people really know how to put their foot in it!

Steve please explain to us all how you know "what the boys at the Wickham are saying"? :?

I thought you where a kung fu master not a poo warrior! :lol: :wink:
Not a master yet my friend, Now now no poo jabbing from me, thats Jases department,
Jase, since you will be away this weekend, can i borrow ure Vip keyring, so i dont have to wait in the que :D
Also does your Vip card get me into the Fluff room you were raveing about last week?? [-o<
Im in trouble this week, who's going to buy me my drinks while your away?? If only you had of introduced me to that cross dresser behind the bar last week, but noooooo you wanted him/her all to your self [-X
Whoops looks like we have let the secret out Ronnie before Steve was ready.


Denial is not just the river in Egypt mate. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The funny part being in a bunker is when i look over my shoulder i always seem to see two things comeing out of the trees 1. a would be left hander and you

well well MR SANDMAN (aka morgan) we were told at the start of the year that any time we saw u in a bunker the following rules applied -
4- THEN BE READY TO DUCK :roll: :roll:

by the way MR SANDMAN how is your bet going with drewy????
just a warning also if u keep it up i will make sure u and the hippy will play together sunday!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

as for MR FREEHOOK and his new partner in crime THE MAN WITH NO THUMB , well ronnie at least we now know what happenened to your thumb ...... it's stuck up MR FREEHOOK'S ****!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Well Mr Runt!
I would rather have my thumb stuck in Mr Freehooks you know where then have my you know what stuck in a chicken! Do you want me to tell everyone about that chicken? :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:

Funny stuff! Now keep it above board or i promise i will tell everyone about that poor defenceless chicken. :wink: :lol: (Hang on, was it a chicken or a handbag with long hair?) :lol: :lol:

Talk soon i'm sure!
well well MR SANDMAN (aka morgan) we were told at the start of the year that any time we saw u in a bunker the following rules applied -

by the way MR SANDMAN how is your bet going with drewy????
just a warning also if u keep it up i will make sure u and the hippy will play together sunday!!!!!

Well Mr Free hook started digging in the sand early in the year and i didnt want him to feel lonely, The only reason you are not there with me is the would be lefty doesnt find many bunkers in the trees and there isnt many bunkers for you 30 metres up the fairway oh that was your second shot huh
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