Asian Schools Team


Schools for 2004 is

Chris Slattery
Shawn Parlby
Robert O'Reilly
Stephen Cowland

Sylvia Wilson
Cassie Staudinger
Christine Day
Tracey Madden

Congrats to u all, good luck in April

Congratulations to everyone who made the team you guys all bowled really well and deserve to be in the team.

Consolations to others who bowled well and just didn't quite get over the line.

Good luck in Tokyo boys and girls i hope use all have a great time both on and off the lanes.

well done to everyone that made the team and good lucky in tokyo
Woo hoo! Go guys and gals! good luck! and kick some ass ;) \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
heya everyone
congrats to those who made the team good luck rep'n Australia

best wishes
love Shellby
A big congratulations to everyone that made the team, it's great to see that we have such great talent in Australian junior/youth bowling. I am sure that everyone would agree that we are sending the best team over, I am sure that they are going to do very well. Congratulations to everyone from myself, Lauren and mum - go do yourselves and your country proud!
i would just like to congratulate the entire team on making it and good luck in tokyo.and a special congrats to shawn well desrved :D
mac stewart
I saw u all there and said congrats but ill say it all again.
Cow i love u :D
Bobby have some fun 8)
Slats ur a legend, keep it up :)
and Shaun kick some but :wink:

the chicks
Cassie my dear i admire u soooooo much n go out there and have ur year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sylvia im sure ull do us proud
Tracey all that watchin should pay off hehehehe
and Christine have a great time

and to the reserves Hailey Donnelly and Brad Tanner u guys bowled really well on the weekend and im so proud of both of u.

Good luck to the WHOLE team for when u go to HONG KONG in April. im sure u'll come back with a huge metal haul.
take care
Flicky oxoxoxoxoxoxox
Congrats to those guys and gals whom made the team... great to see such talent is able to represent Oz...

Keep it up peep...

Hey guys and gals, well you all bowled like champs and i just wanna congratulate you all again....and congrats to all that went and bowled even if you didnt make it, im sure you gave it your all, i know i did..until a certain incident, but hey these things happen....anywayz bak to the subject of this post....Good Luck to everyone on the team, reserves included, i know you'll do us all proud...have the time of your life!
Hi all

Hi all,
i would just likie to congratu8late sylvia on making the asian schools team. Go sylvi YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!

Also my congrats to mike wilkey, u did well man to get to the top in the trios and roll that 277 but bad luk on not making the team but the point remains that u went over there and gave it a go and that is more than some ppl like me would do

i mite c u there in a yr or 2

Most welcome. :D Hope i make it for schools again this year.. :twisted: Cya aussies in HK if im going. All the best!
Question?? With all the success our young aussies are having here have they been or will they be receiving any media coverage?? I haven't seen or read anything yet. Hopefully those in charge of media will give our youth the attention they fully deserve.
Hi All

Firstly let me say congratulations and good luck

Secondly, there was a little bit of a story in the West Australian about Sylvia making the team.

Cya All
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