Search results

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    Ben Woods 300

    Congratulations on your 300 game. Many more to come partner.
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    I would like to congratulate Greg Williams on bowling 300 at Tenpin City last night.
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    PHIL SACHS 300 #6

    Congratulations to Phil for bowling 300 at Tenpin City in the Little King League last night
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    Belmo in lead at US Open!

    Congrats to Belmo for finishing 3rd. Pete Weber has just won the U.S. Championships.
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    Hi Leanne Can u please put Ronnie Lang down for A squad please.
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    barry wicks 803 at geelong

    Hi Barry Congratulations on a great series. Keep it up. Regards Ronnie Lang
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    300 by Matthew Doobov

    Congratulations to Matthew Doobov on bowling his first 300 game and the first 300 game at Nth Strathfield.
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    AMF Randwick Skins Results

    Congratulations Joel on running a great tournament.Keep up the good work. Regards Ronnie
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