
Basic argumentation methods
Argumentation theory suggests using many methods of argumentation. We will tell you about the most effective ones from our point of view. They with https://freeessaywriters.net/ are suitable for both business and everyday communication.
Basic method
The point of the method is to address the person you want to know directly with the facts that form the basis of your deductions.
Digital and statistical information are of paramount importance here, acting as an ideal background to validate arguments. Unlike verbal (and often controversial) data, numbers and statistics are much more convincing and objective.
But there is no need to be overzealous in applying such information. Too many numbers tire and arguments lose their effect. It is also important that incorrect data can mislead the listener.
EXAMPLE of how to write my essay: A university lecturer quotes statistics on freshmen. According to this, 50% of female students have given birth to children. The figure is impressive, but in reality it turns out that there were only two girls in the first year and only one gave birth.
Ignore method
Very often, ignorance is used in controversies, disputes and conversations. The point is this: if essay writer cannot refute a fact that your opponent is proposing, you can successfully ignore its meaning and value. When you see that a person attaches importance to something that, in your opinion, is not very important, you simply adjust it and let it go.
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Teo Lorn
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