Recent content by safadao

  1. safadao

    Sunraysia 60 Game Marathon

  2. safadao

    Country Cup 2013

    Motta, I thought croquet would be more your style ;)
  3. safadao

    Country Cup 2012

    Might have to hire the costa Allegra for the trip from Mildura.
  4. safadao

    Country Cup 2012

    Is shep on media ban? Where are the normal trouble makers? :-)
  5. safadao

    300 Alicia Garioch

    Wish i saw it first hand, well done mate! :)
  6. safadao

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Live by the sword, die by the sword ..... Name and shame ;-)
  7. safadao

    Wrist devices, fair or unfair advantage?

    I'm hardly competative, but physically strong enough to swing a ball and I use one. I would prefer not to (personal preference), but I have some form of tendonistis from too many hours on the computer (yes this post isn't helping). The wrist guard does help my consistency, but more importantly...
  8. safadao

    Name that split

    bloody bean counters and their memory of numbers ..... sheesh. :p
  9. safadao

    Mens Country Cup Footy Weekend.

    :slap_1gtk: Ouch, ..... it only hurts because it's true!
  10. safadao

    Mens Country Cup Footy Weekend.

    Sounds like i missed out -_-
  11. safadao

    Dean McKinnon - 300

    Well done mate, awesome to watch when your zoned in .... yes, pity it wasn't against the other person on your lanes :P
  12. safadao

    10K First Prize. Anyone Interested?

    awww, remind me to buy him a beer tomorrow night :P
  13. safadao

    Bowling Balls Australia

    sounds ominous.
  14. safadao

    2011 Emerson Shield

    *shrugs* luck?
  15. safadao

    Buying Direct from the USA

    A while ago I had a ball replaced under warranty. Driller started drilling and there was a huge void in the ball; you could see light between the finger holes. Ball was replaced fine, however ball was brought in Australia not OS.
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